When we've released all karma and achieved true self-mastery, this is when things get seriously good!
You see - along with the rest of human-kind, I've been cycling through loops of karma since my first incarnation in this Earth School.
And I always knew that THIS was the lifetime in which I LET IT ALL GO.
The lifetime in which I fully surrendered the will of my Ego to the love, joy and purpose of my Soul.
It certainly wasn't always easy.
I first had to go through a deep forgetting phase where I had no awareness of my Self past the physical plane.
Then a phase of understanding (and ultimately releasing my attachment to) the contrast, misalignment and shadows cast by the immense light of my true Self.
But this was always written in the stars for me (as it is for many of You who resonate with my message), so my Soul kept calling me towards the inevitable.
And now I am totally free from the egoic attachments and stories and suffering, I can see everything clearly.
That doesn't mean I don't experience any pain (mental, physical, emotional).
It just means that, IN EVERY FIBRE OF MY BEING, I know that this pain is simply a gifted signpost - and so I no longer choose to suffer in any way.
I am completely FREE.
I AM that I AM.
And the extra beautiful thing about this total self freedom is that, without karmic attachments to the Human self, my SOUL Self comes through LOUD AND CLEAR.
She (the true "I") tells me exactly why I'm here and exactly what my soul mission is at this time.
I am here to light the way of The Alignment Revolution – guiding wide-awake souls, like you, who feel the call of Ascension, to release all karmic attachments and tethers, and to REMEMBER your truest Self on your highest timeline. To come home to the Oneness through Self-Mastery, and to BE WHO YOU CAME HERE TO BE: Ascended Master with boots on the ground. Pure Light and Limitlessness, embodied – living your fullest expression of Heaven on Earth.

I am here at this time to create, and to BE, a legacy of light.
A legacy of love.
And I call You to join me.
11 random things you might wanna know about Jo…
I choose to flow with the MAGIC in life before pondering on the logic. I know that everything and anything is possible – and I know that this often won't make logical sense to the Mind. So I've learnt to TRUST the magic – and I've chosen to see it at every step.
I love the number 23. It’s a number that’s been showing up for me for lifetimes and has been getting stronger and stronger in this particular incarnation. It’s the number of REVOLUTION, of REBIRTH and, ultimately, of coming to BALANCE. Of being able to look at Mind-created duality and, through revolving in the continuous rebirthing of self, to find the middle – the centre of All.
I was lucky enough to bang my head and experience a brain injury in 2017. And it woke me the fuck up. It helped me to REMEMBER the truth of my Soul. And, in that, to remember that we are all connected. We are all One. So my consciousness not only holds powerful intuitive info about Me, it also holds it about You – and I LOVE tuning-in to this delicious magic.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… I refuse to fit into a box. Yep – I know all the sneaky ego-Mind programmes that want us to define ourselves. To identify as an identity. As one thing. As this or that. But I ain't fitting into any box! I am ALL the things. And I can choose to change in any moment. Try to define me and you might find your head spinning!
Okay – I know this might literally be the thing that goes a step too far for you, but I’ve just gotta come out and say it… I don’t like chocolate. Seriously – give me crisps and cheese over chocolate and ice-cream any day! And yes, yes – I know I can totally have both, I’m just not that fussed by the sweet stuff. I guess I’m a salty girl at heart 😉.
Ooooh I love me some past/future/alternate/other life convos! So much wisdom can be unlocked and reactivated by remembering ourselves as way more than our current Mind and Body. I often tune-in to other lifetimes and timelines that I’m living, as well as activating these memories within my soul-sister clients. It’s super cool!
I spend a seriously high proportion of my time relaxing, resting and BEING. You’ll find me soaking in the bath for a few hours most days (I even once had a podcast and YouTube show from the tub 🤣), and then chilling out on the sofa or in the garden. I do very little ‘work’ – or, at least, I don’t do it in the way you’d recognise it. You see – it’s my Soul who’s truly bringing the magic in this incarnation, and she requires my Mind and Body to just BE so that she can whiz around tuning-in to the MAGIC.
I have two main spirit animals that love to share their wisdom with me: the deer and the fox. The deer stands on my left hand side, representing the grace and awareness of the feminine energy. She whispers to me, reminding me to ‘”be” where my feet are. The fox stands on my right hand side, claiming the space of the masculine. He awakens me with his sparks of wisdom and powerful, deliberate movements.
OK, I’ll admit – I’m a bit obsessed with William Morris wallpaper! I just love the bold yet soft and classic vibrancy of such delicious patterns and colours all mixed together. And I love combining that with fresh, clean, simple lines and open space. Walking around the rooms of our lovely cottage is like being enveloped in an expansively-nostalgic hug.
I’ve never encountered an animal I didn’t like – I think they are all so beautiful and amazing. And, at the same time, I’d have to say that cats are the coolest. The Husband and I have three of them and they certainly rule the roost. Like queens of the jungle – totally majestic and loving and snuggly, whilst also sticking the middle finger up and doing whatever the hell they like, whenever they please. Soooo bloody cool!
Being the fullest expression of me in each now moment is literally my Soul’s purpose. And I absolutely love to share this unapologetic Me-ness with the world. Yes – just so we're clear - I seriously bloody LOVE myself… every facet of Mind, every inch of Body, every wisp of Soul. If that's a problem for you, no worries – but you'd probably be best to walk away now before I activate you to do the same for You.
(And, FYI – all of these statements are ‘true’ as I write them in this now moment… AND… I reserve the right to change my Mind on them at any point – just sayin’ 🤣)